I've changed my weigh-in day to Friday because I find it's easier points-wise for me to get a whole new set of Flex points for the weekend. You see, I don't really get to choose what I want to eat on Saturdays. Saturdays is our Sabbath Day, as we are practicing Seventh-Day Adventists. So basically, on Saturday, we take a chill day. Heck, if God worked all week and took a rest on day 7, why not us, right? And I'm sure the Lord knows I could use a rest. Anyway, back to my not choosing what I eat on Saturday...
On Saturdays, we got to church at 8:30am, and then I help out in the Children's section while my kids are in class until 11am. By the time we socialize in the foyer (many of our friends are late sleepers and come to the later services, so we are leaving as they are walking in), we don't get home until nearly 11:30am. My mother-in-law has really pushed for us to have Sabbath lunch at her house after church. She used to be a fantastically healthy cooker...until she got cable and became obsessed with the food network. Now my MIL does all sorts of things that are killing my point values. An example would be that if she is boiling corn on the cob, she drops a handful of salt (not a big issue for me, but I don't really like salty foods) and an entire stick of butter in the boiling water. And her new obsession with making salad dressing out of full fat mayonnaise (when I read mayonnaise, it always sounds like the drill sargent in An Officer and a Gentleman) and smearing it on the top of the salad to create an overnight seal. So I find that I try to be nice, but I can't really eat at her house and claim my correct WW points. Nothing is ever unadulterated at her table, she has to spruce everything up. I want to say something to her, but she's about 75 pounds heavier than me and really self-conscious about her own weight, but not really interested in working to change it, so I don't want to ruffle any more feathers. We have started to have that typical struggling MIL/DIL relationship, and it stinks.
So, on Fridays, I get a whole new set of points and I try to estimate what I eat at Sabbath lunch but lately it's been looking like a 16-18 point meal. Yikes. Thank goodness for Flex Points.
Anyway, now that Friday is my weigh-in day, I came across Mommy Snacks and knew I absolutely had to share! I love that she mentions adding fiber to some of her foods like spaghetti sauce. With hubby's colon surgery just a few months ago, we are finding that we need to add more fiber to his diet to keep him comfortable.
And now what every one's been waiting for....can I get a drum roll please....DOWN 2 POUNDS! And that's since Monday.
Yay, Mary! 2 pounds is fantastic! See what getting back to normal can do for you? :)
Sweet - we're weight loss twinkies (since we both lost two pounds) but don't confuse that with the real twinkies..oh no..now I want one :-)
I actually weight in each Wednesday and I find when I do it closer to the weekend I'm always better with my weight loss and let's be honest - it just gives me time to lose what I could have gained from the weekend :-)
Keep it up!!
wow 2 pounds. You gotta maintain it baby.
Yay, Mary! 2 pounds is fantastic! This is really good loose.
nice info
leangenix review
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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