Sunday, April 12, 2009

Resurrection Buns - He is Risen!!

Originaly from Saturday, March 22, 2008. We did not make these this year, yet. I'm considering doing this for a Wednesday night worship type activity this week, as we continue to talk about what Easter is all about.
Resurrection Buns

Grands biscuits
Melted butter
Cinnamon Sugar

1. Flatten out each Grand biscuit. Brush with butter and place marshmallow inside. Discuss the relation between the while marshmallow and the purity of Jesus. Annoint with spices and seal up tomb by wrapping biscuit around marshmallow and pinching to seal. (I brushed tomb with more butter and sprinkled more cinnamon sugar.)

2. Cook according to biscuit directions (350 degrees for 18 minutes worked for us). Take out of oven and let cool - if you slice them too soon, they will collapse, they need to cool for it to work right.

3. Once cooled (about 20 min or so for us), slice in half. Notice that the marshmallow is gone. Discuss why the tomb is empty.
These were so fun last year. I ended up doing the activity for Joshua's Sunday School class last year. I miss our church family in Alaska.

1 comment:

Meg said...

How cool! These are awesome! Happy Easter!